How to Sell Your Home in Six Easy Steps

And hold on to the 7% sales commission most realtors charge, which could mean tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket.

How to Sell Your Home in Six Easy Steps

by Jeffrey D. Leiser

You know you want to sell your home, and you'd like to hang on to the thousands of dollars a realtor would charge, right? If you're like me, you like to hang on to every penny whenever possible.

Well, selling a house isn't rocket science, even though real estate agents would like you to believe it is. Selling a home is something you can do yourself, but you have to know the steps involved for the best results.

Have you ever wondered why some houses practically leap off the market as soon as the for sale sign goes up, while others sit there for months, unsold? I can tell you a few things you can do right away that will make all the difference in how quickly your "for sale by owner" home gets sold.

The good news is that anyone can learn how to sell a house quickly. You can too. Imagine being able to hold on to 6 or 7% of the total sale, which usually means more than $10,000 in your pocket, to spend any way you choose.

What realtors don't want you to know

I'm going to give you all of the realty world's best secrets so you can get someone to buy your house, and keep the commission too. In fact, I used to be a realtor, as well as a property manager, and I figure it's high time you get to use that knowledge for yourself. I'm doing this because I love real estate, and I love people, and I think it's everyone's right to know as much as possible about their home, including how to sell it.

I'm also going to provide you with the real estate contract you need, an open house sign-in sheet, a disclosure sheet, and seven other forms necessary to a successful closing.

If you were to try to "wing it," how long do you think it would take you to locate all of these forms yourself, or even to find out which ones you need? I've gone out of my way to provide this information all in one place, at the lowest possible investment, and I promise to hold it to this amount if you order right away.

How valuable would that information be to you right now? What about your time? Remember, one buyer could easily mean $10,000 or more in your pocket, for you to use any way you like. Here's a way to get all of the tips you need in one easy place.

With the You Can Sell Your House kit—
• You'll know what one thing brings over 85% of potential buyers to any house
• You'll prequalify potential buyers, long before showing your house to them, saving yourself time and energy
• You'll be able to suggest the best type of loan to your buyers, one that makes things easier for you
• You'll successfully field calls from potential buyers
• You'll know how to handle a buyer who already has a realtor
• You'll protect yourself by knowing the legalities of selling a house
• You'll be able to easily make changes to a contract after it has been signed by both parties
• You'll get a free comparative analysis of other homes that sold in your area
• You'll know what inspections are necessary, and who should pay for them
• You'll know what VITAL steps to take in the week before closing
• You'll provide your buyer with every form needed to make your sale legal
• You'll create curb appeal that makes your house say, "buy me now!"

Think about it. A step by step, 60 page guidebook, and all the forms you need, from your disclosure sheet to your contract to title company transmittal forms. All of that information in one kit, made for use across the United States, which can mean $10,000 or more for you to keep. Previously, only the real estate industry had access to all of this information, but now you will have it too. This is the only book you will ever need to sell your house, written by ex-realtor and property manager Jeffrey D. Leiser.

Here is what some others had to say about the proven benefits of the kit.
"It was just what I needed, and it arrived within one week. The book is really easy to read and understand." J.C.

"I was really glad I ordered the kit. It made me realize how much there is to know, and it answered a lot of questions. All I had to do was follow along in the book." A.R.

"The kit had everything I needed. Every time I had a question, it was covered in the book. And it came with every form I needed. The best part was that I saved over $9000 in realtor fees." J.K.

"Thank you so much for the You Can Sell Your House Kit. Before receiving it, I was so confused about selling my house, even though I was determined to do it myself. The kit helped me sell my house for a great price, and I pocketed $17,745 a realtor would have charged me! Thank you, thank you!" B.D.

Take advantage of this offer now, and you'll also receive the following bonuses:

Bonus #1: We'll provide you with a special report on salesmanship, and closing the deal. This report alone is valued at $15.
Bonus #2: A free subscription to "Home Style News", the email newsletter for homeowners, which will help you get the maximum return and enjoyment from your house, with tips on home improvement, home decor, and gardening.

But stop! How much would you expect to pay to get all the information and forms you need? Less than you might think. For the time being, the entire kit is yours for just $19.95 by download. But hurry, because the price is scheduled to go up very soon. The two bonuses are also for a limited time.So, go ahead. Do yourself a favor, risk free. Make the decision to sell your house in six easy steps. Order now. You will be able to immediately download your book and forms, giving you instant access to this valuable information that could save you tens of thousands of dollars. Either way, you will get the same great information to help you sell your house quickly and easily.

Click here to buy the "You Can Sell Your House" kit just $19.95, containing the 60 page book, 10 forms, and sales bonus in PDF format by immediate download, simply by clicking the "return to merchant site" button after ordering.

P.S. And remember, if you order today, your home sale kit comes with two bonuses, including a valuable report on salesmanship and the Home Style News enewsletter, but only for a limited time. We truly want you to succeed in selling your house. So get your order in right away, while there is still time to get this low price, and make the second most important investment of your life. You can take advantage of the user-friendly, 60-page book and real estate forms right away. Just click one of the two buttons, and start getting more money today.

Click here to buy the "You Can Sell Your House" kit just $19.95, containing the 60 page book, 10 forms, and sales bonus in PDF format by immediate download.

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